Fesaibility Study for Commercialization of the Agricultural Sector
Name of Client :
- Geruwa Rural Municipality, Bardiya
- Gadhimai Municpality, Rautahat
- Rohini Rural Municipality, Rupandehi
- Janaki Rural Municipality, Banke
Duration of Assignment : 17 Oct 2022 to 12 Jan 2022
Description of the assignment:
- Document the existing agricultural system including cereal crops, vegetables, Fruits and livestock and poultry production status in all Wards of Municipality.
- Identify and prioritize the potential crops and livestock commodities for intensification with improved production, processing and marketing technologies.
- assess the existing basic infrastructure in the Municipality for implementation suitable interventions for increasing the production and productivity of major cereal crops, vegetables, fruits, dairy, goat/sheep/chyangra and poultry in selected pocket area in each ward of the Municipality.
- Assess the needs for improvement and or construction of new infrastructure for production, collection and marketing of agriculture and livestock producers in the
- Recommend feasible agriculture and livestock intervention packages increasing production and productivity of overall agriculture sector through adoption of improved “Package of Practice” of major cereals, seasonal vegetables, spices crops, fruits, dairy, goat/sheep and poultry and pig in select pocket area in each ward. Prepare and submit the report to Municipality.