Sustainable Solid Waste Management Plan of 4 Municipalities awarded by Solid Waste Management Technical Support Centre (SWMTC), Shreemahal, Lalitpur

Name of Municipalities:

  1. Dhankuta Municipality
  2. Tansen municipality
  3. Pokhara Metro Politian City
  4. Ghorahi Sub Metropolitan City

Name of Client: Solid Waste Management Technical Support Centre (SWMTC), Shreemahal, Lalitpur


Increased production of municipal solid waste results from urban population growth and economic expansion (MSW). The use of goods that produce hazardous waste is a further issue. In addition to contributing to local pollution and public health risks, unmanaged medical waste disposal from hospitals and clinics also poses a threat to the environment. The municipalities of Nepal are now very concerned about SWM as a result. 

The Government of Nepal enacted the Solid Waste Management Act of 2011 effective from 15 June 2011. The objectives of the act include maintaining a clean and healthy environment by minimizing the adverse effects of solid waste on public health and the environment. The local bodies, such as municipalities, have been made responsible for the construction, operation, and management of infrastructure for collection, treatment, and final disposal of MSW. The act mandates local bodies to take the necessary steps to promote reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R), including segregation of MSW at source. It also provides for the involvement of the private sector, community-based organizations (CBOs), and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) in SWM through competitive bidding. It also authorizes the local bodies to formulate rules, by-laws, and guidelines, with the approval of the municipal board. As provisioned in the act, the SWM Technical Support Center (SWMTSC) under the Ministry of Urban Development shall provide technical support to all local bodies for effective and sustainable SWM and advance research and development in this sector.

Therefore, sustainable solid waste management plan of four municipalities (Dhankuta, Tansen municipality, Pokhara Metro Politian City and Ghorahi Sub Metropolitan City) was prepared in order to maintain a clean and healthy environment. While solid waste management (SWM) has become a major concern for municipalities and the country as a whole, the status of SWM is not fully understood due to the lack of SWM baseline data, which are also essential for effective planning. The main objective of the SWM baseline survey was to derive systematic and comprehensive data and information on SWM to formulate sustainable SWM plan of the rural/municipalities.

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